
We want to provide the very best repairs service. We're continuously making improvements, and one of the best ways that we can do that is by getting your feedback on the service you’re getting.

Our Repairs Service Standards outline what you can expect from us in terms of repairs, and what we expect from you in return. 

If you’ve recently had a repairs visit from us, you’ll now get an automated phone call after we’ve completed the repair asking you how it went. Please take the time to give us your views when we call. It takes a couple of minutes and what you tell us will really help us to improve.

Or, you don’t have to wait until we’ve done a repair, you can give us your thoughts and ideas to improve our repairs service anytime by emailing us  or by joining our Tenant Repairs Group - it meets regularly; if you'd like to take part, get in touch.     

Not going to be in? Please let us know

If you've booked a repair, we'll text you three weeks and then three days before, to remind you. It’s really important that you’re in when we come, so we don’t have a wasted journey and other people who are in need of a repair don’t miss out.

If you’re not going to be available for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible by calling on 0115 915 2222 so we can rearrange.

And please make sure we have your most up-to-date contact details. The best way to do that is by registering for Housing Online.

Our Repairs teams work flexibly from 8am to 5.45pm, with an out of hours service delivering emergency repairs from 5.45pm to 8am.